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Solanum lycopersicum

Tomatoes, sourced from the fruiting plant Solanum lycopersicum, are a beloved kitchen staple and a nutritional powerhouse. Their standout compound is lycopene, a heat-stable carotenoid responsible for the fruit's vibrant red hue. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that supports muscle function and stamina. Tomatoes also boast a significant amount of heat-stable beta-carotene, which promotes good vision and supports brain function.

Additionally, tomatoes offer a range of phenolic compounds like chlorogenic acid and rutin, known for their neuroprotective capabilities, fostering mental alertness and cognitive function. Thus, tomatoes, even when cooked, serve as a valuable ally in maintaining vitality, mental sharpness, and overall health.



Key Benefits

  • Supports muscular function and stamina

  • Encourages mental alertness and sharpness

  • Encourages ecosystem for good vision

Origin & Agricultural Zones

  • United States, Zones 2-10 (depending on the variety); warm-season crop.